I'm not sure if this answers your question but I assume you get a modulus and exponent from, the TPM - in byte form. For openssl you want PEM or DER. I have a bash script that converts a modulus and exponent - to DER. Copy this and name it created.sh and of course chmod it so that it is executable. This assumes you have base64 as a program, along with other basic linux binaries.
# Given a 270-byte RSA public modulus and exponent file,
# create a der file:
# source ./createder.sh file.key file.der
if [ -f public.key ] ; then
rm public.key
if [ -f modulus.bin ] ; then
rm modulus.bin
if [ -f exponent.bin ] ; then
rm exponent.bin
[[ -f header.bin ]] || echo 'MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA' | base64 -d > header.bin
cp $1 public.key
dd if=public.key of=modulus.bin bs=1 skip=9 count=256
dd if=public.key of=exponent.bin bs=1 skip=267 count=3
[[ -f mid-header.bin ]] || dd if=public.key of=mid-header.bin bs=1 skip=265 count=2
cat header.bin modulus.bin mid-header.bin exponent.bin > key.der
cp key.der $2
yes | rm key.der
yes | rm public.key
yes | rm modulus.bin
yes | rm exponent.bin
From: supraja sridhar <***@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, July 9, 2017 11:53 PM
To: trousers-***@lists.sf.net
Subject: [TrouSerS-users] Is there a way to encrypt data through OpenSSL using the keys generated in the TPM?
Using the trousers API, I generated a pair of keys and have the public part of the key. I will share the public key to others and they will encrypt data and send it back to my device where I use the TPM to decrypt the data.
I noticed that the public key is in a BYTE format. How should I convert it into a format such that it is compatible with OpennSSL.